16 Oct 2023
HydroGenus secures further Ofgem funding to progress Connectrolyser
HydroGenus is pleased that its Connectrolyser project has been awarded round two Alpha funding under Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund in conjunction with UKRI.
The project will optimise electrolyser operation at hydrogen hubs by exploiting flexible operation to help manage the electricity network, excess renewable generation, hydrogen customers and onsite storage. This will avoid the need for traditional firm capacity connections, the preferred choice among hydrogen developers and producers, which have longer lead times and higher costs. Connectrolyser will also explore novel offerings for electrolysers to support security of supply.
It is sponsored by UK Power Networks and will be delivered in conjunction with our partners Imperial Consultants and FES Group Ltd,
In giving its endorsement to proceed, the expert assessors considered the project to have directly addressed Ofgem’s Innovation Challenge with our approach, which they considered to clearly involve network innovation and to have clearly identified a benefit for consumers. The assessors noted positively the mix of stakeholders involved and considered the  approach and methodology to be clear and well thought through to give confidence that it will be capable of progressing in a timely manner.
Please contact us for further information or refer to the UKRI website https://www.ukri.org/news/ofgem-strategic-innovation-fund-invest-16m-in-round-two-projects/